About Us

We are a traditional Anglican church in the Diocese of Cascadia and in the province of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA).

We exist to know and to live in the love of Jesus Christ (Acts 17:28). We are a humble Anglican church in the heart of Olympia seeking to cultivate Christ in the wild world. This cultivation takes place in a threefold path of prayer:

  1. Eucharistic prayer on Sundays with the Church catholic
  2. Daily prayer on behalf of the world using the Book of Common Prayer passed down to us in the Anglican tradition
  3. Private prayer that wonderfully varies according to each person’s calling

Our worship on Sundays is biblical, sacramental, and liturgical. We all approach the altar of the Lord together each week reciting the same prayer: “Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name, through Christ our Lord. Amen.” And in the liturgy we are again reunited with the Lord and welcomed at his feasting table of bread and wine and song. In communion we are strengthened again to be sent out into the world in peace.

Daily prayer is our time to bring the world to God, so that it might flourish. The Book of Common Prayer gives us a tried and true path to follow as we cultivate Christ in our own hearts. Our goal is to establish a monastic rhythm of morning and evening prayer. We seek strength in the morning to accomplish the day’s work, and then we commend our souls into God’s hands in the evening, asking the Lord to “watch over those who work or watch or weep this night.” The church calendar provides many feasts and fasts where we relive the story of Jesus together, and where we remember the martyrs and saints who still have so much to teach us.

Private prayer or devotion is the Christian’s personal craft. In it we fix our minds on the love that God has for us in Christ Jesus, and then we face “the deep and the real” that’s inside each of us. We dwell in the heart of God through meditation, through repeating the rosary, chanting the psalms, speaking with God as our friend. And in our devotion we overflow in love toward the world: we remember and serve those who are destitute and without a home, we bake sourdough, and practice Christian virtue in our careers. We glorify the world. Living in the love of Jesus Christ is how God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

We are an Anglican church in the heart of Olympia seeking to cultivate Christ in the wild world.